Saturday, July 20, 2019

Creating a Garden for the Blind :: Architecture Design Essays

Creating a Garden for the Blind In creating a garden for the blind, the senses of smell, hearing and touch take on prominence. Even without sight, a person can enjoy a garden simply by feeling the symmetry of leaves, touching the bark of different trees and feeling for buds at the start of spring. Even though a visually disabled person cannot enjoy the vibrant colors of a rose garden, they can enjoy the strong scent from such flowers. Because the sense of sight is taking aback seat in this garden, importance is also placed on maneuverability through the garden. A Braille board should be placed at the entrance to the garden, explaining the topography of the garden and how to maneuver through it without assistance. Another Braille board at the entrance should explain the garden. To facilitate easier movement, the garden could be designed after a clock. One should enter the garden at twelve o’clock and walk clockwise through the garden; at each point on the clock, one would encounter plants of various scents and textures. The path around the garden should be smooth and even in order to ensure easy independent movement. In contrast, small pebbles along the side of the path could indicate the presence of Braille boards that explain the plants. In addition, cobblestone or another stone variety could indicate the presence of benches. The flowerbeds could be raised about two feet from the ground. This would not only make it easier to touch and enjoy the featured plants but would also place flowers and plants at a perfect height for those guests with physical disabilities. Furthermore, these exhibits could include hanging pots with plants of special interest. The plants placed in such pots would be those with special textures or appeals. As the potted plants grows to large for the pot, it can be planted in the flower bed and replaced with another interesting plant or simply a smaller version of the original plant. As guests enter the garden, they should be greeted by the sounds of flowing water; a fountain or waterfall placed here would create a welcoming sound. Palm trees of various shapes and sizes placed around the water feature would provide an interesting texture for guests. Both the leaves and bark of these thriving plants would provide attractive textures.

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